
Showing posts from June, 2017

Roll-Up Summary Fields

Roll-up summary fields calculate values from a set of related records, such as those in a related list. You can create roll-up summary fields that automatically display a value on a master record based on the values of records in a detail record. These detail records must be directly related to the master through a master-detail relationship. You can perform different types of calculations with roll-up summary fields. You can count the number of detail records related to a master record, or calculate the sum, minimum value, or maximum value of a field in the detail records.  Since roll-up summary fields are based on master-detail relationships, it’s useful to review object relationships before creating a roll-up summary field. Master-Detail Relationships Master-detail relationships closely link objects together so that the master record controls specific behaviours of the detail and sub-detail record. You define a roll-up summary field on the object that is on the ...

Formula Fields

You’ve got a lot of data in your organization. Your users need to access and understand this data at-a-glance without doing a bunch of calculations in their heads. Enter formula fields, the powerful tool that gives you control of how your data is displayed. A formula field in a page layout, a list view, and a report. When you’re first learning formulas, it’s best to start with simple calculations and build up to more complex scenarios. But, as you’ll see, even simple formulas provide valuable information. Finding and Using the Formula Editor You can create custom formula fields on any standard or custom object. To start, we’ll create a formula on the Account object. Creating a New Formula Field Follow these steps to navigate to the formula editor: Go to the Accounts page from setup. Create a new field. Select Formula and click Next. In Field Label, type My Formula Field. Notice that Field Name populates automatically. Select the type of data you expect your formula ...

Custom Objects

Custom objects are custom tables in SQL / Database which stores data. These objects are created by Admin / developer to fulfill particular requirement that will extend the functionality provided by Standard objects. Steps t o create Custom objects: 1. Click on Setup 2. Type Setup in left search bar 3. Create new object by click on " NEW " button. 4. Fill in require information like below: Make sure the object is in " Deployed " state otherwise the object will not be visible to any user other than System Administrator . Label : Name of the Object Plural Label : This label will be displayed on Tabs and Related List. Object Name: API name of this object, for example: Demo_Object__c in above screen.  Record Name: The Name field (standard field) for Demo Object. Data Type : There are two values for Data Type: Text: Text field.  Number: Auto Number field.  Optional Features: Allow Reports : If you want to make object...

Custom Field Creation

In this article I will go through Custom field creation step by step process. You can create custom field on both Standard and Custom objects. To create a field first go to object structure. For standard object: 1. Click on Setup. 2. In the search bar, enter Object name eg: Opportunity. A new page will open with Opportunities fields, scroll down to the page. Select the Data type for field. Data Type defines what will be stored in fields. for ex: Text. Enter the details into the Box provided. See screenshot Help Text: This is the message about Field. It will be available only when user hover over the field in Record Detail page.  Required: If you want user to fill values in field and will not allow to save it untill blank.  Unique: Unique feature make the field value unique in all the records of this object.  External ID: This feature is used when you required to connect this object record outside the Salesforce.  Encr...

Field Relationship

Salesforce Database are relational databases that allow to connect two table / objects with each other. We can define relationship using Custom fields. Salesforce provide two types of Fields relationship: 1. Look-up Relationship (loosely coupled) 2. Master-Detail Relationship (tightly coupled). Look-up Relationship Lookup Relationship is a loosely coupled (links) between two objects. Lookup relationship are just like Master-detail just, They do not share security settings. Roll-up summary cannot be created in this relationship.  Features of Look-up: This relationship can be used for Self relationship.  Child records do not delete with Parent record deletion, rather we have two options: Blank out relationship field values. Do not allow parent record to delete.  Ab object can have 25 lookup relations.  Steps to link two object using Lookup: Opportunity(Parent) to Demo (Child) 1. Go to Demo Object structure. (Setup --> Obj...

Salesforce Fields

Each standard or custom object consists of a set of fields. There are several different types of fields, as described below. Identity Field automatically assigns an identity field (called ID) to every object, and manages the identity data in every record. This identity field usually comes in a 15-character case sensitive form, which you may have already seen while using the platform. For example, when looking at the details of a record, the URL has the form: "" Here, 0015000000Gv7qJ is the identifier for the record. Every record in your application will have such an identifier, and as a result you can view every record (across all objects) by simply using a URL of the above form. The platform will automatically retrieve the record and the associated metadata, and display that record using the automatically generated user interface. The first three characters represent Object AP...

Overview of Objects

The platform provides a powerful database, with many features that make it faster and easier to create applications. In a relational database, data is stored in tables. Each table comprises a number of columns of a particular data type, such as text, number, or date. Information is stored in rows of the table. Tables can be related to other tables, using primary and foreign keys. Apps manage information by creating, reading, updating, and deleting rows in a table. The database in, on the other hand, uses objects to store data. Objects contain all the functionality you expect in a table, with additional enhancements that make them more powerful and versatile. Each object comprises a number of fields, which correspond to columns in a database. Data is stored in records of the object, which correspond to rows in a database. There are two types of objects. Standard Objects : These are objects included with Salesforce, by default, for example the objects used to...