Custom Object Email Tracking

Custom Object Email Tracking

Email tracking is a method for monitoring the email delivery to the intended recipient. Email tracking tells you when an email recipient opens and reads your message.
It will notify every time an email opened.

Traditional read receipts v/s Email tracking

ü  A traditional read receipt will ask recipient’s every-time, if you want to send back the response? Recipient’s might say “no” and sender will never know the email is opened or not.
ü  While Email tracking is seamless and works silently in the background and doesn’t let’s recipients know that the email is already tracked by the sender.

Benefits of Email Tracking

ü  Makes the management of teams and employees more efficient
ü  Saves time as people can follow-up when it is going to be most effective
ü  Become more efficient as compare to email read receipts.
ü  Improves communication, much in the same way you tweak your mass emails to improvement open rates and click-throughs
ü  Stops you being a nuisance to prospects who are not interested, and saves your energy as you can focus on those more likely to say yes.

Practical Application Scenario’s

ü  Sales and Marketing
      It helps management to look upon the candidates for follow-up.
ü  Management
      Managers can be beneficiated whether the email has been viewed by members or not.
ü  Important document / information
      It is useful when sending important document to know whether the email has been viewed or not.


ü  Hidden Image
ü  Plain Text
ü  Multiple recipients

 Developer Points
Ø  Create Custom object and fields
Ø  Create Apex Class
Ø  Create Trigger
Ø  Create VF page
Ø  Create a public site and assign VF page into it.
Ø  Create a custom HTML Email template or Javascript button (Performed with JS button) – We are showing with JS button

Custom Object

Now create remaining items:

Apex Class

Apex Class
Apex Class

Apex Trigger
Apex Trigger
Apex Trigger

Visual-Force Page
VF page

Create a public site and assign VF page into it

Public Site

Javascript button

Now create a JavaScript button object need Email tracking.


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